
Build your career in an industry with a great future.
Whatever your skill set, there’s a place for you in construction.


Adopt a School

Building Plymouth is pleased to announce that we will be relaunching our Adopt a School programme – we will keep you posted and update this page with all of the schools that are taking part! It is going to be even bigger and better than before.

The programme proved to be such a success and when we started the process last time we had some fantastic schools and sponsors involved.

We provide an impartial resource to help your students to get into the world of construction, with an abundance of links and events with employers, training providers and higher education providers.

Every March, we take part in the city-wide programme of Open Sites, where local people can go behind-the-scenes of major construction sites to learn more about the impressive choice of careers and opportunities available to them through the booming construction pipeline.

This year we will be opening our sites on the week commencing 4th March 2024 – this coincides with National Careers Week and will culminate in our Early Careers Fair on Saturday 9th March!

Constructing Excellence South West

“CESW is very excited to be working alongside Building Plymouth to provide a city-wide approach to our ‘Adopt a School’ campaign which exists to communicate the huge variety of career opportunities within the UK construction industry for young people and improve its image along the way. Under the inspirational leadership of Emma Hewitt at Building Plymouth and Emma Hannam at CESW we are confident it will go from strength to strength and that the 13 relationships currently in place will soon increase in number and influence. The construction sector has so much to offer young people in terms of well-paid long term career prospects and this scheme will help promote and educate students, parents and career officers of this fact.”
Andrew Carpenter, Board Member and Director

Want to become a part of our ‘Adopt a School’ programme?

Find out how we can work with your school to help increase the interest in construction and the built environment. If you’d like to become an adopted school of Building Plymouth, speak to our team at our Job Shop.

Contact Morven our Construction Coordinator who leads on our schools programme if you want to find out more.

Read more about our case study with Eggbuckland Community College
