Looking to grow your bank of skilled construction professionals? Or perhaps you’ve got capacity to
take on trainees and apprenticeships? Building Plymouth can help you to source the right people for the right job.
Employment Skills Plans
Introducing Building Plymouth
Established in 2015, Building Plymouth is an award winning, Council-led sector partnership driving skills, training and employment in construction and the built environment, facilitating opportunities for social value, and acts as the united voice for the industry
Our Vision is to close the skills gaps and shortages by attracting and creating a supply of people to match the demand for local construction and built environment employers.
With over 70 members investing (September 2024), we are working together to connect opportunities for skills, training, education, careers and jobs in construction and the built environment. Successful delivery of the employment and skills plans are an important part of this work.

To find out about becoming a member of Building Plymouth click here
Employment Skills Plans
Plymouth City Council has aligned with the Construction Industry Training Board to adopt the National Skills Academy for Construction’s Client-Based Approach (CBA).
This provides a toolkit that looks to deliver employment, apprenticeships and training for a number of public sector clients through their construction projects, planning policy and development control. As well as delivery, it also defines employment and skills-based benchmarks for developments based on build cost against prescribed KPIs covering apprenticeships, school and college liaison, skills development for the workforce and jobs created.
In January 2016, Plymouth City Council was formally accredited through the National Skills Academy for Construction across both planning and procurement contracted construction activities.

Image: Derriford District Centre with an employment and skills plan currently being delivered by Building Plymouth member Devon Contractors.
Next steps in developing an employment and skills plan:
1. Review Plymouth City Council’s Guidance for Developers and Contractors here: NSAfC Project Based Approach Guidance Notes V3 (1).pdf
2. Contact Morven Maclean, Construction Coordinator by emailing hello@buildingplymouth.co.uk
Morven is the nominated point of contact for advising on developing employment and skills plans, she will issue minimum KPIs and a suggested method statement template for your particular project, and then monitor/ support you in successful delivery of the employment and skills commitments.
3. Further details about the KPIs and evidence required can be found here: KPI Criteria and Evidence Summary.pdf
4. An example of the KPI template can be found here: Employment and Skills Plan_KPI Template_1year.pdf
5. An example of the method statement that will be required to form your employment skills plan can be found here: xxxxx
6. Download our Building Plymouth Menu here to discover a range of events and support that can help you to meet your KPI targets. Building Plymouth - Support for delivering Employment and Skills Plans.pdf
There is also a contacts list of useful organisations that could help with your ESP KPI’s
Example of infographic prepared on completion of an Employment Skills Plan – Kier: Intercity place Social Value Report (1).pdf