Building Plymouth is a Plymouth City Council partnership set up to connect local people
with career opportunities in construction in Plymouth. Does this sound like you? email to find out more!

Obedair are a local values based construction business delivering projects in the Devon & Cornwall area. We operate over a variety of sectors including Education, Heathcare, Commercial, Industrial, Heritage, Retail and Defence. Projects can range from £50,000 to £4m in value.
We pride ourselves on our delivery and Quality of work which generally leads to us working with clients again and again on a negotiated basis. We are very people focused delivering local jobs in the area and supporting schools and colleges to deliver the next generation of people for the Industry.
Although a local business our project experience is vast and currently working alongside a number of global businesses to deliver their flagship projects. Within our team we have over 150 years experience of delivering projects and our exceptional customer service sets us aside from our competitors.
Why did you support Building Plymouth?
“Simply because it is the right thing to do. Building Plymouth as an organization needs to be supported wholeheartedly by the local construction community to deliver its brief and the wider legacy that is so badly needed in our communities. We fully support the development, training and growth of the construction industry within our region and feel it is our responsibility to drive this as a leading construction company in the area alongside key stakeholders. The industry is booming and we cannot rely on others to secure the future trades and skills we need. Building Plymouth is an amazing vehicle to drive this and were lucky to have such vision, investment and a joined up approach which we are pleased and honoured to support.”